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Interim Report, 29 March

GISDI Interim Report

(Download the full Interim Report in PdF)

​      GISDI is invited to observe Presidential Elections on 11 April 2018 by the Central Election Commission and conducts an international election observation mission.
​       The mission is jointly conducted with “Legal World” – Legal Advocacy Public Union, based in the Republic of Azerbaijan.GISDI is 

       The mission is headed by Mihail Mirchev, Dr.Sc. The Core Team of the mission consists of political, legal, election, media and civil society analysts. The election day, the day pre- and post e-day will be observed by 70 short-term observers – all of them are Members of Parliament and university professors mainly from Europe – West and Central Europe, Scandinavian and Baltic States, Balkan Peninsula and mainly Bulgaria.

On 29 March 2018 GISDI presented the INTERIM PEPORT.


  1. Macropolitical environment and frame
  2. Azerbaijan pre-election situation
  3. Legal framework and election administration
  4. Voters lists and voter registration
  5. Voter education and empowerment
  6. Candidate nomination and registration
  7. Election campaign
  8. Media in election process
  9. Pre-election surveys and exit polls
  10. Complaints and appeals
  11. Election observation
  12. GISDI observation focuses in e-day at polling stations
​      The Interim report both in English and Azerbaijani could be downwoaded from here.
​      The English version of the report is the only official document.

Republic of Azerbaijan Presidential Elections, 11 April 2018 - Interim report

GISDI INTERIM REPORT (English) 477 Kb (pdf) свали
GISDI INTERIM REPORT (Azerbaijani) 810 Kb (pdf) свали

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» Azer EOM 2018 » Interim Report, 29 March